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Vehicle Bugs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello Guys

1.Recently i found a sedan at a airfield that was missing a battery and a spark plug, i got those and when i tried to turn it on it didn't work so i would like to get any kind of answer about that and a fix would be nice.

2.When i found an off-road hatchback and put all the needed part in it it worked but when i drove it it would just randomly teleport left and right while maintaining the speed.

3.I was driving with my friend and on hes screen i crashed on a fence but on my screen i was still driving it just told me i can open the doors and all the other options when the car stops.

4.My friend and i were driving down the airstrip on the main airfield it just said "you are dead" randomly on the screen, there were no zombies or chickens or anything else but my friend told me i was just sitting there doing nothing. He drove behind some trees and stopped and then my character just exited the vehicle and stood there i just reconnected and it said i was respawning in 25 seconds but when the timer was over it just respawned me where i was on the airfield.

This last bug may scare some people but reconnecting seems to do the trick.
Sorry about the bad English and i hope they fix this as soon as posible


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Nobody created this task.Apr 23 2017, 2:47 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Apr 24 2017, 5:43 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Nobody and thank you for the report.

1.Recently i found a sedan at a airfield that was missing a battery and a spark plug, i got those and when i tried to turn it on it didn't work so i would like to get any kind of answer about that and a fix would be nice.

The vehicles have overall damage modifier, when the vehicle is crashed too many times and reaches the maximum damage it will break and replacing battery and spark plug will not make it move. Currently there is no clear indicator of the vehicle damage, other than its damaged textures. We are aware that this is not very intuitive and it is going to be addressed in the future stages of development.

2.When i found an off-road hatchback and put all the needed part in it it worked but when i drove it it would just randomly teleport left and right while maintaining the speed.

This is a known issue and it is scheduled for a fix.

3.I was driving with my friend and on hes screen i crashed on a fence but on my screen i was still driving it just told me i can open the doors and all the other options when the car stops.

We are going to test the issue internally and let you know once we have more information. In case you manage to catch the issue on video, please upload it to this ticket.

4.My friend and i were driving down the airstrip on the main airfield it just said "you are dead" randomly on the screen, there were no zombies or chickens or anything else but my friend told me i was just sitting there doing nothing. He drove behind some trees and stopped and then my character just exited the vehicle and stood there i just reconnected and it said i was respawning in 25 seconds but when the timer was over it just respawned me where i was on the airfield.

This issue is also known and scheduled for a fix.

Also, please report each issue separately the next time you are reporting issues into the feedback tracker, so the progress on each issue can be tracked separately.

Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Acknowledged.EditedApr 25 2017, 4:48 PM

Hello again Nobody.
We have confirmed the third issue and it has been scheduled for a fix. We will update this ticket once there are any changes in the progress.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jul 23 2019, 12:29 PM
Geez claimed this task.