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server restart message/cant shoot through window/game starts problem
Need More Info, NormalPublic

Description it ok to do all in one ticket?

played stable version on dayzstandaloinetalia server.
message says that server restarts in 5 seconds.
counter goes to the 0 but nothing restart.

maybe known bug but with trumpet,i couldnt shoot through window at the infected.

and last one is that when open dayz from steam or from desktop,game opens in taskbar below only....icon shows there but its not automatically start.
then it change to orange color...i have to click it but then it open weirdly in window...


Operating System
Windows 10

Event Timeline

kopo79 created this task.Apr 11 2017, 6:42 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Apr 12 2017, 10:46 AM

Hello kopo79 and thank you for the report.
The issue with server restart messages should be fixed already and should no longer occur (please let us know in case the issue still persists even now). The second issue you describe is very likely an issue with the specific building and its windows - if it is not a problem, attach a screenshot of the building where you encountered this issue to this ticket. As for the third issue you mention, we are aware that such issue occurs if you click into desktop/program/folder right upon launching the game (for the game to launch correctly, you have to wait for the game window to appear upon clicking play in Steam/using desktop shortcut and cannot click anywhere on the desktop or into other programs prior to the game window appearing) - can you check and let us know if that is the issue you are experiencing?
Also, please create a separate ticket per each issue next time, so the progress of the issues can be tracked separately.

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Apr 12 2017, 10:46 AM

it shows the icon only on doesnt go fullscreen automatically.when i click the icon game open in window but its not in correct place.
i have never changed any parameter or anything or changed any settings.
i reinstalled the game and now its working like it should.
server messages was yesterday messed up...was there fix yesterday night or maintenance today?

Geez added a comment.Apr 12 2017, 5:12 PM

Hello kopo79.

it shows the icon only on doesnt go fullscreen automatically.when i click the icon game open in window but its not in correct place.

So the game has never launched correctly onto full screen (only onto task bar and then into the incorrect window - we are aware of
the window issue and it can be produced by what i have described above - clicking into desktop right upon launching the game) even if you did not click anywhere on the screen? Have you tried to wait for some time for the game to launch in maximised window, without clicking into desktop once the window on the task bar has appeared?

server messages was yesterday messed up...was there fix yesterday night or maintenance today?

The server messages were fixed on yesterdays evening.


game was starting perfectly maybe two week or three week ago but then without no reason it was bugged.
i didnt change any settings.
i started to game from desktop and from steam...always just icon showed up on taskbar below.
i waited maybe 1 minute but game doesnt go fullscreen by itself...if i clicked something on screen,icon changed color to orange.
clicking the icon game showed up but in windowed mode and it was somehow side of screen.
i got it always on fullscreen clicking everything:D...
but reinstall fixed it.