Aniamtion bug :
Other palyer which i met there told me he see normal running animations on me.
Relog fixed it
Aniamtion bug :
Other palyer which i met there told me he see normal running animations on me.
Relog fixed it
Hello MarekQX and thank you for the report.
Do you remember if you have done any specific set of actions prior to the issue appearing?
But someone come with car to Svetlojarks near the police station so i visited him. Maybe i got this bug becouse someone came with car to the city. Idk
Hello MarekQX.
Since the character is in the surrender pose on your video, have you used the F2 key to toggle it on or were you just looting and it suddenly appeared?
No i used it becsoue i was like flying everywhere so i try to fix it with F2 animation but as u can see chartacter ignor my animations and keep continue running ... I was pressing 2xW for running but just saying the cahracter was ingoring my animations.. (i see them on my pc but other peoples see normal running animation)