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Sit Down Emote is Too Severe in it's Restriction of Aim
Reviewed, NormalPublic


As it currently stands the Sit Down emote is the most pointless stance in the game, even for RP as the player can just crouch and get all of the advantages of looking with the weapon and movement.

If you imagine sitting down with a one or two handed firearm, you should be able to turn your gun relatively quickly to acquire a target with ease, but with the current implementation of this emote, the player cannot move their gun to the left or right quickly and the restriction on how far the player can turn when in this emote is frankly too severe.

I am guessing this may be improved upon with the new Player Controller, but for now I will be unbinding this emote until it has been tweaked.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Acquire a firearm
  2. Trigger the "Sit Down" emote (F3)
  3. Try to aim with the firearm and notice the degree of which you can turn your crosshair.

Event Timeline

Weion created this task.Mar 29 2017, 4:47 PM
Weion edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Mar 30 2017, 4:36 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Weion and thank you for the report.
The character turning speed while sitting down is currently intended. However, the animation system is going to be replaced and changes will possibly be made.