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Support Waypoint in the Arma3 are not functional
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Since the 2013 Arma3 release, the Support Waypoints are not functional! Only medicine works and only halfway...
It does not seem to bother anyone, BIS please finally do it, or remove Support waypoints, since the game makes no sense to keep useless waypoint.


Operating System
Windows 7
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce
  1. place in the map any support vehicle or any support squad (repair, ammo, refuel) and give them waypoint - "SUPPORT"
  2. Call support via action menu (5-key)
  3. Get "Negative" answer
Additional Information

The support menu сontains the following options:

1. Medic
2. Ambulance
3. Repair Truck
4. Rearm Truck
5. Refuel Truck
6. Done

Only point №1 only it functioning adequately, at point №2, the truck arrives but the medic will not treat the wounded. the other points 3,4,5 - not works in general! It is also not clear why the action menu offers only support trucks,if the game in the editor proposes to place other units support squads from category - "Infantry Support". Game has not only support of special trucks, aslo many other support squads! It turns out that these support groups are useless in the full sense.

Event Timeline

mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)Mar 29 2017, 12:16 AM
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 4 2017, 1:11 PM
mickeymen renamed this task from Support Waypoints are not functional! to Support Waypoint in the Arma3 are not functional!.Apr 4 2017, 1:31 PM
mickeymen renamed this task from Support Waypoint in the Arma3 are not functional! to Support Waypoint in the Arma3 are not functional.Oct 11 2017, 11:44 PM
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)
mickeymen edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
mickeymen changed Category from Eden Editor to AI Issues.