There are some script errors in the fixed wing showcase, relating to the helicopter you have to intercept. Haven't managed to complete it again so can't say if there any more of them.
21:02:18 Error in expression <spawn { sleep (25 + (random 10)); {west reportRemoteTarget [_x,3600]} forEach [B> 21:02:18 Error position: <reportRemoteTarget [_x,3600]} forEach [B> 21:02:18 Error Missing ; 21:02:18 Error in expression <spawn { sleep (25 + (random 10)); {west reportRemoteTarget [_x,3600]} forEach [B> 21:02:18 Error position: <reportRemoteTarget [_x,3600]} forEach [B> 21:02:18 Error Missing ; 21:02:52 Error in expression <AllEventHandlers "HitPart"}; }]; west reportRemoteTarget [BIS_Heli,3600]; BIS_> 21:02:52 Error position: <reportRemoteTarget [BIS_Heli,3600]; BIS_> 21:02:52 Error Missing ;