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Cannot Start V3S - Was Previously Driving Fine
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Private server, playing with a friend. We were the only ones online. I was driving a V3S and my friend was following me in a V3S. We were driving on the dirt roads in the hills between Devil's Castle and Altar. I was ahead of her and doing fine. She suddenly jerked from the road and appeared right in front of caravan, crashing into it. Luckily the vehicle was fine. She was able to reverse and continue going. A few moments later, she blinks off the road and appears right in front of roadside tree, hitting it. Vehicle shuts down.

Upon examination, all tires are in pristine condition. Battery is ruined. Headlight is ruined. I pull the pristine battery from V3S I am driving and install on the V3S at the tree. Vehicle will not start. We see no damaged component that needs to be repaired that would affect the vehicle's ability to start.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Mar 6 2017, 12:14 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Wolf_of_Thorns and thank you for the report.
The vehicle damage stat is separated from the quality of the attachable items such as wheels, battery etc. Crashing the vehicle will destroy the vehicles engine and the vehicle cannot be fixed any more if that happens.

@Geez hi :)

May be close this ticket as obsolete?

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Nov 9 2020, 3:51 PM
Geez claimed this task.