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Voip and rubber banding around players
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For two months now i have experienced this problem. When i come into contact with players. I sometimes can voip to them. After about a minute my character begins to Rubberband and move uncontrollably around the vicinity. When it is done, the voip system does not work. My friends in discord can hear me fine but they cannot hear me in game.

I have checked my internet speeds and connections and there is nothing wrong with my setup. In my four years of playing Dayz i have never experienced this before. I am unable to play and talk to others in game.

Sometimes i see other players say that i am looking at the sky when in fact I'm not. Other times i see players hitting and attacking a random object which i take damage for. They are no where near me

I have tried to reinstall the game. Verify game cache. Deactivate Windows firewall. Still nothing.

For the record i don't have problems in any other game and my output and input devices are setup correctly on my desktop and steam settings.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

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