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Game Crash - entering a deformed house crashes the game
Assigned, NormalPublic


Was driving an off road hatchback, exited the vehicle and walked to a town. The first green house I came upon was glitched and deformed. Ran around the building, trying to look for where the door was. Walked into the building, game crashed.


Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 8
Operating System Version
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce
  1. drive a vehicle for 5 minutes
  2. get out of the vehicle and enter a small town (11234.60,253.85,5370.42)
  3. Encounter a green building
  4. Attempt to walk into the building

Expected result: Should be able to interact like normal
Actual result: game crashes

Additional Information

I used the apple exploit several times as well before driving the hatch back. Upon logging back in, the house appeared normal, but dynamic lighting was not working (night time and the house was bright and easy to see inside).

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 23 2017, 10:45 AM