I had several apples in my inventory (jeans) and I right clicked an apple, then hit "EAT". While my character was eating the apple, while still in my inventory screen, I picked up a item (water purification tablets) and placed it into the empty slot where the apple was before while my character still was interacting with the apple. I closed my inventory before the character finished eating the apple, and I continued. Later I noticed the item I placed into the slot the apple was in, was not there - and I hadn't checked if I really picked it up.
I continued, and tried to place another item later into that same slot, and the item will not enter the slot. I tried moving another apple that is also in my jeans inventory into the slot, and it will be automatically moved back to the slot it was in originally.
The problem compounds when I take an item around me, place it into my hands (a 10 round magazine, single slot) and then move it over to the slot, this then renders my hands unusable! It is as if an item then occupies the hands, and the slot that I am trying to place these items into as well.