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Deployment animation In Arma3 is missing.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Unfortunately In the Arma3 is completely absent the the deployment animation of static objects and static weapons. This detail may seem merely a cosmetic problem for the game, but let's not forget that any installation requires time. And if a soldier does not have the special animation, that means he does not spend time on this action. Today (V1.64) instead of the animation of deployment the player sees, the ridiculous animation hand-movement in the void and this action does not require more than two seconds! It looks stupid and not realistic. Soldiers should spend some time on deployment.

Basic deployment actions which are required attention:

  • deployment of any mine
  • deployment of any explosive
  • deployment of static Mortar
  • deployment of static MG
  • deployment of static automatic GL
  • deployment of Remote Designator

At least a one animation for all deployment actions can greatly improve the gameplay and make it more realistic.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Order to your subordinates to assemble static weapons
Order to your subordinates to assemble remote designator
Order to your subordinates to assemble mortar
Order to your subordinates to assemble static MG or static GL
Order to your subordinates to put mine or explosive

in all cases, you will see only the poor animation of the movement of the hand in the void.
After more than three years after the release of Arma3, it is time to make at least a one deployment animation.

Additional Information

PS: Any game is made up of little things. For this reason details should not be left unattended. Little things - is what builds great things... Let's do Arma is better

Event Timeline

mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)
mickeymen edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
mickeymen renamed this task from Please add deployment animation (at least a one animation!) this detail In Arma3 is missing. to Any Deployment animation In Arma3 is missing!.Jan 29 2017, 11:59 PM
mickeymen renamed this task from Any Deployment animation In Arma3 is missing! to Deployment animation In Arma3 is missing..Feb 2 2017, 12:11 PM
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)
mickeymen edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
mickeymen edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Alwin claimed this task.Feb 2 2017, 1:41 PM
Alwin changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
Alwin added a comment.EditedFeb 2 2017, 1:49 PM

it´s very interesting what you have wrote. The unit animation sometimes don´t looks like realistic as you describing. Without any doubts you are right. Some of them are not so realistic as you´d expect but we´re concentrating our effort to another new projects. Redoing these animations would take enough time. What makes Arma 3 realistic warfare game is whole infantry gameplay, strong combat experience and complex features at control all units. There are some discrepancies (i.e. some animations as you said) but Arma 3 is very complex game.

Thank you for you suggestion. We can focus on it in future.

mickeymen added a comment.EditedFeb 2 2017, 2:50 PM

Redoing these animations would take enough time.

excuse me, as seems to me you are wrong. I may be poorly explained. I think you need to do is to create only one animation and replace in the scripts the name old animation for new name. And it is all!

Now (v1.66) all deployment actions have the one bad animation. This is animation of movement the hands of the void, when the character is in full erect position. But any deployment should be on the ground surface! Why soldiers may not even crouch to the ground surface!? Also Deployment should spend some time.

And most importantly! We are should understand, that it is necessary for the gameplay itself, but not only visual decorate game. When I see that a soldier sets static weapons for 2 seconds, it makes me not love Arm3 fully. In the real life, such things have to spend much more time.

I venture to remind: that for this purpose, you can make one animation (for all deployment actions) that will be longer and more realistic.