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Sudden FPS Drops (Momentary Freezes) 0.61
Assigned, NormalPublic


Short ~second long FPS drops (~15-20 FPS) causing momentary game freezes.


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
Steps To Reproduce

I have noticed a couple of things when these FPS drops occur.

  1. FPS drop while running.
  2. FPS Drop when approaching towns & villages
  3. Most common while moving about or running while in towns and villages which have infected nearby.
  4. Rarely occur when running out in wilderness.

Uncertain whether nearby players contribute to FPS drops.

Event Timeline

StephenHarper renamed this task from In Game Freezing to In Game Freezing 0.61.
StephenHarper renamed this task from In Game Freezing 0.61 to Sudden FPS Drops (Momentary Freezes) 0.61.Nov 7 2016, 2:38 AM
StephenHarper updated the task description. (Show Details)
StephenHarper changed Severity from Tweak to Minor.
StephenHarper edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
StephenHarper changed Operating System Version from Windows 7 64bit ultimate service pack 1 to Windows 7 Ultimate SP1.
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Nov 8 2016, 11:49 AM

As a follow up.

I found that this issue looks to have been specific to my computer as I noticed this occurring across multiple pieces of software which was ultimately caused by a windows background service called Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service. I unfortunately just happen to notice this first in DayZ. Disabling the service has all but eliminated this issue.