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Game Freeze On Full Server
Need More Info, NormalPublic


While playing with less 40 other players there is no issue.

When logging in, on a private hive, on a full server I am able to do all things normally. However roughly 45 minutes in my game will suddenly freeze while doing nothing specific at all. This occurs while running, while sitting still, while checking inventory, while looking around. It occurs whether or not I am alone in an area, nor is it tied to any specific area. This is becoming increasingly frustrating as it is impossible for me to help with and take part in our community events.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

Just playing the game for about 45 minutes on a full private hive will cause this for me.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Nov 1 2016, 10:50 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello acewhittles and thank you for the report.
Has the issue occurred to you on the 0.61 experimental, or is this issue occurring to you on the stable 0.60? By any chance, do you remember when the issue has started to occur ? And can you try deleting the contents of C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DayZ and letting us know if that has improved the behaviour? Make sure to back up the files prior to deleting them as this will reset all your in game settings.

I have now tried the .61 EXP, crash did not occur. I followed your recommendation of deleting the specified path, it did not help.

Issue just happened again on .61 EXP at 2:10pm EST on American Centraleast 0-2. Played for about an hour to an hour & 1/2, with the server mostly full, when the game suddenly froze and stopped responding in Windows. The screen went completely white and I had to use task manager to force it to close. No error message.

Geez added a comment.Dec 12 2016, 1:30 PM

Hello acewhittles.
Do you experience similar issues in other games? And can you upload a dxdiag file from your computer for us?