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Arma 3 freeze and "not responding" error
Closed, ResolvedPublic



I get a new kind of error on Arma 3 from 3 weeks with the big update (5,5 GB..) That I havn't before.
When I launch the game and arrive on the main menu, the game is freezing and take a looooooong time (5min to 10min per frame) to charge the "dynamic" main menu (with waves, dynamic light ...)
and the game is "not responding" I can only crash my game... (I got an error when I do this "0xCFFFFFFF - STATUS_APPLICATION_HANG"

But the problem persist when I'm in game, in Multiplayer and singleplayer.
In multiplayer :
I can play but every 15 minutes and for 30seconds to 2 minutes, the game is freeze and not responding. It come back after a "30sec/2min" of waiting.
It's impossible to play in Coop or PvP/TvT gamemode.

I searched on the internet any solution but there is no solution.. Please help :(
I can send you the 3 ZIP that I have with the error but when I crash InGame, I have no pop-up error. It's just "okay Arma 3 is not responding, close up, no error. back to desktop"

What I have tried ?

-Verify the steam integrity cache of the game (Not solved)
-Delete the .dll in Arma 3 and steam cach verification (Not solved)
-Apprently reinstall the game is pretty useless too... (some people got the same problem and they try this but it does nothing...)
-Reinstall DirectX for Arma 3 (last version) (Not solved)
-Reinstall last drivers of Graphic Card version. (Not solved)
-Use the allow memory for Arma 3 (Not solved)

Event Timeline

New : Reinstalling the game is useless... (with deleting all mods, all files) need help

razazel claimed this task.Oct 24 2016, 4:36 PM
razazel changed the task status from New to Need More Info.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.

Hi, I have checked the rpt and there seems to be an invalid mod parameter


I would recommend loading the mod through launcher or correcting the parameter first (-mod=24e_Spec)

Also running the game without the mod would be worth checking out to rule the mod out.

I saw that too but I don't have the mod and we've tried to launch without, nothing happend, same problem.

I reinstalled my game completely and delete all the mod, that's my new RPT log :

Or this if it can help you :

I tried something : Launch with the Arma3Launcher with and without some DLC or profile...
It seem to freeze now every 32 min and for 1-2 minutes.

Any help?... I'm sure i'm not the last guy to have this problem.. I don't want to waste 60€ for buying a game that I can't play from 1 month because of 1 update...

Okay some new : put the game on "BETA DEV BRANCH" change nothing.

I'm out of Idea... Any suggest?


could you please specify which DLCs or profiles did you disable?

As for the error, the error indicates that the application became unresponsive.
Have you made some changes to your settings or launch parameters after the latest update?
Also i have just now noticed you are using -enableHT with -cpuCount param. Are you aware of a fact that -cpuCount overrides the -enableHT and so if you want to use the maximum of your cores, you need to remove the -cpuCount param.

Hello I tried to disabled every DLC, put once per once and nothing happend

I did nothing just download the last update, but It seem to be "Bitdenfender" I disabled it to play and there is no freeze no, no problem on the game... If it can help.
I'll test my game tonight in TvT gamemode and let you know if the problem is still here ;)

Interesting, thank you very much for the heads up. Any chance you could find out what exactly seemed to be a problem for the bitdefender (which Arma 3 file or perhaps BattlEye file seemed to be causing the trouble)

No problem!

So I played the event tonight, there is no more problems.
It seem I have to disable Bitdefender cause something is In conflict with (I dont know why)
The problem is Solved. You can close the thread if you can. Thanks you Razazel for trying to help me!
I tried many solutions and finally it was just an "Antivirus program".

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:32 PM