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Game restarts itself upon joining a server
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Every server I join, the game will restart itself after a few seconds, will say in the notification tab (enfusion engine - we're still alive), then puts me back to the main menu. I've tried everything to do with Battleye, verifying, deleting the DayZ folder in documents and even reinstalling the game and I still can't seem to find a solution. I get no error messages either so finding the cause to the problem is even more difficult.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Home 1607
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Join a server, and wait.

Additional Information

I recently did do a fresh install of Windows 10 so this could be related in some way.

Event Timeline

JDeano created this task.Sep 20 2016, 6:25 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Sep 20 2016, 9:51 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello JDeano.
Can you specify what did you try regarding to the BattlEye? Also, are you using any launch parameters? When has the issue started to occur? And if possible, can you send us the RPT file from C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\DayZ ?

I've tried manually updating the Battleye files by downloading them off the website, and have tried deleting the Battleye folder in Dayz and verifying to redownload them, as well as deleting everything Battleye related so I could do a fresh install of it (BE Launcher that is), that's all I'm aware of that I could do, not sure if there's anything else I can do Battleye related. No launch parameters. It started happening when I re-downloaded the game yesterday after my Win 10 fresh install. I have up to date video drivers in case you were wondering.

Geez added a comment.Sep 20 2016, 12:09 PM

Hello JDeano and thank you for the response.
Can you also check the *name*.DayZProfile file located in C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DayZ, search for battleyeLicense=1; and let us know whether it is set on 1 or 0 in your config?

It's set as 1.

Geez added a comment.Sep 20 2016, 12:39 PM
This comment was removed by Geez.
Geez added a comment.Sep 20 2016, 12:43 PM

Hello Jdeano.
Could you please post us some of the servers you have tried to join and had the said issue? The IP addresses should be enough.

I know that comments deleted but yes, all servers private, first person, third person. I've tried joining a lot of servers, but I can't remember them all and my history is full of servers here's a few however. ( ( (

Geez added a comment.Sep 20 2016, 2:19 PM

Thank you.
Can you also post your Steam profile link?

Geez added a comment.Sep 20 2016, 2:40 PM

Thank you.
We will check the logs and will contact you in case we need any other info.

Geez added a comment.Sep 20 2016, 2:55 PM

Hello JDeano.
Would it be possible for you to connect to some server as soon as possible and let us know which server was it?

Done. ( I may become inactive soon, and I'll have to give it another go tomorrow.

Geez added a comment.Sep 20 2016, 3:44 PM

Hello JDeano.
We believe there potentially could be an issue with your character, which causes the problems. We have killed the character in the database, can you try connecting back to the server once youre able to and let us know if the issue persists even with the newly created character? In case it was not the cause of the issue we will return the previous character back to you.

Still happening, but not to worry about the character, it was only lightly geared. Off now, I'll check back in later.

I have found the problem. I used AMD uninstall utility and rolled back drivers to AMD Crimson16.8.3 for Win1064bit and everything seems to be working fine now. Something I should have tried sooner but it evaded me for some reason. The drivers that I was using were 16.19.1 for future cases if you guys need it, and if you want to report it. Could have just been my problem, and I haven't tried reproducing it by going back to them drivers but I haven't the energy to. Thanks for the help anyway.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Sep 21 2016, 9:52 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Hello JDeano.
Glad to hear that the issue has been resolved. In that case I will close the ticket, but feel free to submit another one in case you come across any other issues.