OK, long report, giving you guys the best i can do on vehicles and fps issues while in 1st and or 3rd.
Rain being the tester, and 1-4 in server random times.
3rd person driving fast up to 160kms frames going from 120 to 7fps mostly around towns, other cars, possible tents, barrels, and larger open views in the woods.
1st person driving fast up to 160kms frames going from 120 to 20fps mostly around towns, and wide open terrain.
1st person around cars keep a constant fps, and does not drop while driving around them. fps 50+ to 120fps
3rd person, you warp around cars and go from 40fps in towns, cars etc... to a whopping warp factor of 7fps.
Dropped all graphics to normal (will do more testing). It would be helpful if i could cap my fps more to see if i can balance out my fps while driving.
Do not drive the truck or the bus over any road they should be removed - until repaired-
I feel as though i was drawing way to much to my system, such as the forest, and everything i saw in 3rd person when it rains it really draws you down. back to 1st person and you jump to 50+ fps increase and able to drive.
You might want to disable 3rd person, until all vehicles are repaired, or drop it completely until the 3rd person is repaired even running.
I will test gun fights this saturday night on HIHB server around the big cities in 1st person if i see laggy warps ill report the net code info.