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Troop Truck V3s Very slow speeds, and works with 2 rear wheels.
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


There is the screenshots i took, i spent 3 hours trying to get it on the road again, i even grabbed a pristine rear wheel but it still would not gain enough speed to get over 10mph.

Can you guys increase it to 20 in first? so we can gain enough speed on open fields to get back on the road.
The top end speed should be 50+ not 34. Those tanks work good, there is nothing wrong with the shifting at all, it is the speeds they do not gain enough to get up the hills.
Also we need all vehicles changed, because it seems we are on the same walking / driving code. When going up a hill it seems we actually are going way to slow.

Now it feels like a truck, it acts like a truck but all that needs to be done is a slight increase in the speed coding so we can use them to transport troops to the coast and up north.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Fix vehicle did not matter, the speeds in the code need to be changed, we need over 20 km/mph in first.

Additional Information

Please help, there is nothing wrong with the vehicle.

  1. you should not be able to drive the truck very far, as it will fall over on the 2 wheels. It moved for me to drive to 34mph which is way to slow in top gear.

A) please see those screen shots i made in the forums, i thought it was me doing something wrong.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Aug 8 2016, 11:29 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Sneakydude and thank you for the report.
The issues with v3s performance are known and they are scheduled for a fix.