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While my fairly new charcater was wearing a ghillie bushrag a kind person handed over, I would go from standing to prone position consistently after drinking or eating, I removed the bush rag once and then re equipped it and the bug seemed to go away when a repeated the action afterwards.


Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
windows 10 home
Steps To Reproduce

was not in 1 of my favORITE servers so I couldnt log into the same one.I tried another server, nothing.

Event Timeline

Yeah, that is a very old buggy thing that happened. At one point we could eat while laying down. Now we get on our knees. Which is fine by me, except, the desync, lag issues are making us eat and drink for 3+ minutes at times.

So once i get all my burlap, i am going to be expecting this too? oh well hope its fixed.

It may have been because of the particular server I was on considering I could not relocate it , but that might be grasping for straws.Cant say for sure.

Geez claimed this task.Aug 8 2016, 10:32 AM