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Míssil Skalpel-ATGM of all DRONE reaches not targets locked. (with "□" in target)
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Míssil Skalpel-ATGM of all DRONE reaches not targets locked.

The missile Skalpel-ATGM of UAV will always follow the center of the gunner sight.

Try to lock a target with the "T" key, taking the target locked in the screen, with the diamond in the target, will not make the missile hits the target locked, it will always hit the view of the center of the scorer.

I hope you understand what I mean, English is not my native language.

Version Game 1.62.137494

Video >


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

0- put in the air any UAV that uses missile Skalpel-ATGM

  1. Place a vehicle on the ground.

2- With the UAV in the gunner's control, select the Skalpel-ATGM.
3 Without the laser activated, lock the vehicle with the "T" key (Do not turn on the laser)
4 Note that the missile will follow the central vision of the gunner, and not the locked vehicle.

  1. Same thing happens when using another UAV to block with Laser Designator(Laser on), and another UAV only to attack with missile.(UAV of attack you control to shoot the missile)
Additional Information

Only with □ in target, the missile already automatically atingeria the target, i played various missions using my support UAV, and always showed only the □ in the marked target, never appeared ◊.

Event Timeline

Snake-Plissken edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Snake-Plissken set Operating System Version to 10586.494.
Lex added a subscriber: Lex.EditedJul 24 2016, 5:09 PM

Guidance of the rocket:

  • Manual aiming at the purpose, maintenance of the rocket to the purpose, a continuous view of the purpose from look ATGM.
  • Automatic aiming at the purpose, maintenance of the rocket to the purpose automatically, the target is locked on when the signal received a continuous sound.

What's the problem?

Before the missile had two way to hit a target.

1- With the gunner on activated Laser, sufficed manually guide the missile to the target. (Before it was not possible guide without is the laser activated, but is now happening)

2- With the target in sight, but no with the laser activated, blocked the target with the "T" key, and the target would be marked with just a □, and not appear the ◊ nor audible beep.

Only with □ in target, the missile already automatically atingeria the target, i played various missions using my support UAV, and always showed only the □ in the marked target, never appeared ◊.

Only with the UAV with missile GBU-12 is that it seems that the ◊ notice at the time of shooting, but before the target must is marked with □.

Missile skalpel-ATGM appears only □ stating that the target is locked automatically.

GBU-12 shows the two □ and ◊.
Spankel shows only one □.(Only in UAV)

Snake-Plissken renamed this task from Míssil Skalpel-ATGM of all DRONE reaches not targets locked. (with the diamond in the target) to Míssil Skalpel-ATGM of all DRONE reaches not targets locked. (with the □ in the target).Jul 24 2016, 8:11 PM
Snake-Plissken edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Snake-Plissken renamed this task from Míssil Skalpel-ATGM of all DRONE reaches not targets locked. (with the □ in the target) to Míssil Skalpel-ATGM of all DRONE reaches not targets locked. (with "□" in target).Jul 25 2016, 1:33 AM
Snake-Plissken updated the task description. (Show Details)
razazel claimed this task.Jul 25 2016, 10:41 AM
razazel changed the task status from New to Feedback.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.


thank you for the feedback.

So I checked the video and from what I see I have few things that might shed some light onto this.


  • you are able to target □ and lock ◊ on the APCs that are further from the drone
  • you are not able to target □ and lock ◊ on the APC that are closer to the drone

Reason: It is the rocket that is locking on the target, not the turret, turret only marks the target □ missile locks it ◊, if target is out of the lock range (some angle, like what the rocket "sees"). Was the drone a little bit lower or further away from the target it would lock them too

Flying Greyhawk

  • same issue, Greyhawk is flying around the loiter
  • Loiter is near the targets, Greyhawk has the targets to his right
  • Missile are not facing the target, their sensors cannot lock on the target
  • If missile is not locked on the target it will follow the targetting turret cursor
  • Laser Designator is not required to be On for this, it serves a purpose of designating the target for other units not for guiding its own missiles

Grounder Greyhawk

  • same as before

Please try to take this into consideration and let me know if it makes sense and if it seems correct for the issue you are describing. If its not, please try to provide some other video and pictures for reference and if possible, please try to provide a repro mission also.

Thanks :)

Hello razazel!

I mean doing the way you described (UAV facing the target), the missile is finally locked with □ and ◊.

Now before the updates that had (visual and Apex) had played a mission done by min, and i remember to hit targets within the circle in the Greyhawk circulated targets, but as the mission was in Takistan map, may have caused some bug (due to addon map) where the missile atigiam targets without appearing the "◊".

But in any case, thank you for your clarification, you can close this feedback as resolved.

Thanks again and congratulations for their work and the team for the game.

Lex removed a subscriber: Lex.Mar 17 2017, 1:35 PM
Pi closed this task as Resolved.Jun 12 2021, 4:14 PM