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Cant Convert Mission To 3D
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I used to be able to edit my mission on the 2d editor however i can no longer edit it on the 3d editor, i "convert" it using the ingame feature and it says nothing except "scenario saved" across a green background at the top of the screen.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

razazel claimed this task.Jul 15 2016, 11:52 AM
razazel changed the task status from New to Need More Info.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.


could you please upload the zipped mission folder here?

As for the bug, when you try to import the mission file you are asked if you truly wish to do so and that a backup file will be generated. Is the backup file truly created? Also what happens to the scenario? Are there at least some units present? Do you have a player unit in the 2D Editor created scenario?

Any info that might seem relevant will help.


I can privately upload it to you but not public sorry, the backup file is not created, nothing happens in the scenario, no units and yes, i have many player units in the previously edited scenario.


no need for that at the moment, issue is under investigation already.

Now, to workaround this for the moment, please download a Legacy branch

  • Run the legacy build and use the 2D Editor in that version to open the mission in 2D Editor.
  • Select one unit and set it as Player (not only playable - purple, but PLAYER - RED).
  • Save the mission and go back to Stable/main branch.
  • Open the scenario in 3D editor.
  • Save the scenario in 3D editor

That should do the trick for the moment. After you successfully load it and open it in 3D editor, you can switch the unit back to playable/not playable.

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 2:45 PM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

Mass closing old issues that are:

  • Not relevant anymore
  • Probably already fixed
  • Missing info and no activity for years