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Unable to exit basic created mission after dying - have to kill the game
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I've tested this both with and without mods with the same result. I created a basic mission with one character marked as player and 4 others marked as "playable". If I die and then switch bodies to another squad member, then die again, there is no way to exit the game and it has to be killed.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Load mission or use "Play from here" option from inside the eden editor.
Run into enemy fire and die.
Switch to a remaining squad member.
Run into enemy fire and die again.
Press ESC and every other key on keyboard with no effect at all.
Press "Enter" to switch between 1st and 3rd person view, realizing that it's the only key that works now.
Lie on ground while remaining squadmates die.
Kill game with task manager.

Additional Information

The mission has 5 bluefor toons, one marked as player, four marked as playable. Also four enemy toons on patrol. And a rebel truck.

Event Timeline

Philomorph updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 11 2016, 12:31 AM
Philomorph edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Philomorph edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Philomorph changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 10 x64.
Philomorph set Operating System Version to latest.
Philomorph changed Category from General to Editor.

Just to test further, I added a simple end game trigger with a lose condition of player not alive, and that works. but as soon as the initial player toon dies, the mission ends.

If I instead put in a lose condition of no switchableUnits alive, the condition never triggers and I'm stuck laying on the ground. I verified the count was correct by putting a hint on screen showing the number of switchableUnits, which started out correct. But the hint went away after I switched to another toon.

One other strange thing I noticed... when I died and switched, then died again, my stamina bar remained on screen and refilled as I lay there, as if I were only prone and not actually dead. It seems as if when I die while inside a teammate I didn't start as, it's not actually detecting the death correctly. This would also explain why I can't switch a second time, though I should be able to.

OK, I don't know how much this helps, but I created a couple brand new missions and I'm unable to reproduce the problem in them.

Only that very first mission I created exhibits the issue.