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[PLEASE READ] Vehicle wheels and parts
Reviewed, NormalPublic


On behalf of the DayZ community, I see to advocate the community's voice and hope that you, the feedback administrator understand that our voice seems little. And on this situation of wheels and parts for vehicles, we want it so that wheels and parts can only degrade/ruin from bullet and melee strikes to the hull of a car or a wheel of a vehicle. It's become so frustrating so always have the car pop it's wheels on the slightest crash or even when taking off a wheel the vehicle flies away and breaks every single part of the vehicle.

We spend hours and upon hours getting parts moving to so many towns and cities and sometimes we can get a car really easily, but it's the part where the glitches get out of hand. We the community think it would be a much better state for cars to have this feature, it's been annoying for all the players who just want to ride vehicles and spend so much time only to have it ruined by a small glitch or a tree or a bush clipping the bus and breaking everything in it.

Please at least respond to this ticket to acknowledge our struggle and our little voice, as an advocate for this I've asked multiple upon several people who think this would be much better. We understand your job is to only resolve and pass bug reports to the developers, but you still have the power to at least to inform the hardworking developers to implement some features the DayZ community would accept and be happy with. The developers and you, have done an excellent and outstanding game, I've been with you guys since patch 0.45 and I have about 1754 hours in DayZ, it's the most time I've spent on any video game on steam, and I've had steam since 2008. This is truly one of the most unique video games that are out there, and it's definitely the best survival games out there. Please on my behalf for the community I hope understand that we want to shape the game a little bit to the consumer side, and show that we've been apart of the games shape.
~ With kindest personal regards, Rustycaddy

People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. - John C. Maxwell


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce


Additional Information

Steam Account:
My steam account if you get the chance to be able to talk, it's ok if you don't add me. But it would mean a lot if I could even get a chance to communicate with a bug reporter!

Also if you get the chance, tell Brian Hicks I said hi.

Event Timeline

rustycaddy updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 17 2016, 11:39 AM
Morgow added a subscriber: Morgow.Jun 17 2016, 11:43 AM

Typing "please read" is not going to make anyone pay more attention to it. Rather people will ignore you for trying to overthrow their attention more to you than to others.

Geez claimed this task.Jun 17 2016, 5:10 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello rustycaddy and thank you for the feedback.
The text has been sent to the developers and the suggestions will be considered. Also, keep in mind that the game is still in alpha state and there are still many things that are going to be reworked and will change until the release.

Thank you for your acknowledgement Geez, this is stuff I like to hear, it means so much to me and I'm glad that people of the DayZ community can have their feature ideas sent for a developer to read.