We have a severe problem where normal maps defined in a material are not loaded and showing when using setObjectMaterial. Tested in the editor. There is no error in the RPT, no problem logged anywhere. It just does not use/show the normal map in the material.
We have tried re-naming the material files from "material01.rvmat", "material02.rvmat" and "material03.rvmat" to "a.rvmat", "b.rvmat" and "c.rvmat" - without success.
We have tried re-naming the normal files from "normal01_nohq.paa", "normal02_nohq.paa" and "normal03_nohq.paa" to "normalone_nohq.paa", "normaltwo_nohq.paa" and "normalthree_nohq.paa" - without success.
We have tried inverting the axis of the normal maps - without success.
We have tried re-doing the normal maps via "_no" instead of "_nohq" - without success.
We have tried pre-loading the normal maps in CfgCoreData - without success.
We have tried adding a time delay between assigning the materials via setObjectMaterial to exclude racing conditions - without success.
We have tried copying the material into the Arma root folder and use that via setObjectMaterial - that works sometimes.
Please excuse if I miss some information. I have been struggling with this for 14 hours today.