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(Apex) shop_city_07_f.p3d ladder top access point is not on the building roof.
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shop_city_07_f.p3d has a step through roof access ladder.

If the player attempts to climb onto roof using the ladder, they exit the top of the ladder standing on the verandah roof. Player must vault through the parapet wall to access the roof.
AI are able to glitch through the parapet wall, although their path finding is sometimes incapable of allowing them to reliably move to/from the defined building positions on the roof.

Player should exit the top of the ladder on the building roof.


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

Player at the top ladder exit after climbing up. Expected is on the roof proper on other side of parapet wall.

Event Timeline

ceeeb created this task.Jun 9 2016, 1:18 PM
ceeeb renamed this task from (Apex) shop_city_07_f.p3d top access point of roof access ladder is unusable by player to (Apex) shop_city_07_f.p3d ladder top access point does not allow the player to get on roof..
ceeeb updated the task description. (Show Details)
ceeeb updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 9 2016, 1:20 PM
ceeeb edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 9 2016, 1:24 PM
ceeeb updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 9 2016, 1:26 PM
ceeeb renamed this task from (Apex) shop_city_07_f.p3d ladder top access point does not allow the player to get on roof. to (Apex) shop_city_07_f.p3d ladder top access point is not on the building roof..Jun 9 2016, 1:29 PM
ceeeb updated the task description. (Show Details)