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Terrain Builder Not Outputting the Correct Values in RVMAT Files
Closed, ResolvedPublic


One of the many apparent changes in the 1.60 visual update is that the RVMAT files have a new setting. The problem though is that this setting is not being placed orrectly in new RVMAT files upon terrain layer generation. The RVMAT setting in question is PixelShaderID="TerrainSNX"; This is what is compatible with the new visual update package and provides a good quality image with accurate color representation. However, Terrain Builder is putting out PixelShaderID="TerrainX"; in all newly generated RVMAT files, which is what used to be correct pre-visual update. As such, the old setting being present in RVMAT files causes colors and saturation levels to be visually displeasing and generally inaccurate.

I was able to verify that this was the issue by replacing PixelShaderID="TerrainX"; with PixelShaderID="TerrainSNX"; in all of my RVMAT files and comparing the visual difference. Reference images have been included below for review. It clearly makes a large difference in visual quality and coloring.

In short, TB needs to be updated to output the correct values in RVMAT files upon layer generation to ensure compatibility with the new rendering techniques and settings.


No Bug
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Generate terrain layers in TB with desired image set
Examine RVMAT files, parameter "PixelShaderID"
Observe parameter to be set to "TerrainX" instead of "TerrainNSX"

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Uro added a subscriber: Uro.Jun 2 2016, 1:49 AM

That PixelShaderID is designed for using 5 surfaces + normal mask.

Using the 5 surfaces+normal mask option when you have 6 or more surfaces defined and then manually changing the PixelShaderID that TB computes for your RVMAT's will result in the RVMAT's generated using the _co texture from your 6th surface in the Stage14 of the RVMAT.

TerrainSNX expects Stage 13 to be empty and Stage14 to contain the normal mask tile for that grid square.

TLDR: This isn't a new PixelShaderID.

If you want such colouring on your terrain, use a normal mask and live with 5 surface's per grid square.


Yeah someone else shared that with me earlier today. Thanks for the info though. :)

This ticket can be closed. Noob false alarm.

Darth_Rogue changed Severity from Major to None.Jun 2 2016, 3:55 AM
Darth_Rogue changed Reproducibility from Sometimes to N/A.
razazel closed this task as Resolved.Jun 2 2016, 9:29 AM
razazel changed Resolution from Open to No Bug.