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AI are unable to transition out of modified stances
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OBS: If the player uses team switch to switch away from a soldier unit that is in a modified stance (or AI is just scripted into a modified stance). the now AI controlled unit becomes stuck in the modified stance.
This can create undesired results such as AI being unable to move, being unable to stop moving, being unable to change stances, unable to interact with objects or vehicles, able to walk/run underwater etc.

EXP: AI controlled units should be able to recover and transition out of any modified stance and behave normally.


Operating System
Windows 7
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce


  1. In mission editor, place any soldier as the player. Place another nearby subordinate unit, set to playable.
  2. Preview mission.
  3. Team switch to unit 2.
  4. Modify your stance (Ctrl+W or Ctrl+S) to any non standard stance
  5. Team switch to unit 1.
  6. Order unit 2 to move to some destination. Observe results.
  7. Order unit 2 to switch to another stance (eg, stand up, crouch, prone), and move to some destination. Observe results. Note they can generally move if the AI wants to be in the general stance they are stuck in.
  8. Repeat test, leaving unit 2 in other modified stance.

Alternative to steps 3 through 5 is to use script commands, for example:
(units (group player) select 1) playMove "AadjPknlMstpSrasWrflDdown"

Additional Information

If left in prone low stance, AI is unable to move.
If left prone left/right or prone upright, AI is able to move slowly, but only if they want to be prone.
If left in crouch low, AI will be able to move unless they want to be crouched. If they want to be prone, AI will be unable to stop moving.
etc, etc

Event Timeline

ceeeb created this task.May 24 2016, 1:50 AM
ceeeb updated the task description. (Show Details)May 24 2016, 1:58 AM
ceeeb edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
ceeeb edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
ceeeb updated the task description. (Show Details)May 24 2016, 2:04 AM
ceeeb edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ceeeb updated the task description. (Show Details)May 24 2016, 9:44 AM