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Session Lost
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After the recent security patch I get session lost after a few minutes in a server(yes I tried public too, I play on a private server) like 2-3 mins then I start to notice my character can't do anything but can run around for a few seconds before getting session lost. Only happens with stable version, problem doesn't happen on experimental.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

-Have 0.59 stable
-Join a server (private or public)
-Run around or do whatever you do in game
-Wait a few minutes
-Notice that your character can't do anything but just run around
-A few seconds later get "Warning: Session Lost"

Additional Information

Tried Experimental build, no session lost issue.

Event Timeline

madmeatballs edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
madmeatballs set Category to Other.
madmeatballs set Reproducibility to Always.
madmeatballs set Severity to None.
madmeatballs set Resolution to Open.
madmeatballs set Legacy ID to 3736097576.May 9 2016, 12:26 AM
madmeatballs added a subscriber: madmeatballs.

Reinstalling DayZ doesn't solve the problem.

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.May 9 2016, 12:26 AM
Geez added a comment.Feb 11 2016, 9:58 AM

There have been some tweaks done, please let me know if the issue still occurs at this moment.

Weird, for some reason the Session Lost issue just started again. Though now it takes like 5 - 10 mins before I get "Confirmation of Changes: Session Lost". Originally it was "Warning: Session Lost". I double checked my connection is stable. Upon joining a private hive I use to play in it also said that it could not load my character and spawned as a fresh spawn(CREW server). Could it have been triggered by automated server restarts?