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Character randomly begins non-toggled walking until relogging
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Without explanation, and without any user input, the character's walking is toggled on, and the ONLY known solution is to relog.

You don't have to be pressing any buttons for this problem to occur. Sometimes it happens immediately upon logging in, sometimes it takes a few minutes. You can walk forward using only the W key and not touching any other part of the keyboard or your mouse, and the walking will toggle on.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

It's important to note that this bug only occurs for some users. In fact, from what I've gathered, it's a relatively small percent.

It sometimes happens immediately upon logging in. Sometimes you need to walk around a bit before it begins. I just logged into DayZ only minutes ago to try and reproduce it, and within 3 minutes of ONLY walking forward with the W key, the character suddenly began walking.

Additional Information

There is a similar user error that occurs sometimes where players double right-click or have their hands stuck in the ready position and it produces the same result. This issue can easily be tackled by double right-clicking again, or using the spacebar key.


I would like to note that the issue described above is ENTIRELY UNRELATED to this one. The result is the same --- the cause is not. The fix also does not work for this. This is 100% legitimately a bug.

It has been reported several times. I've seen in posted since as early as January 2013 on Steam forums, and I've seen a few reports on the bug tracker here as well. For some users the problem fixes itself months later without any explanation. Most likely a hotfix by the devs. However, this problem still occurs for many others.

From what I've gathered this seems to happen more often with users that have low PC specs.

Event Timeline

Vortalex edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 6 2016, 12:53 AM
Vortalex edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Vortalex set Category to Movement.
Vortalex set Reproducibility to Random.
Vortalex set Severity to None.
Vortalex set Resolution to Open.
Vortalex set Legacy ID to 956857903.May 9 2016, 12:26 AM
Geez added a comment.Feb 8 2016, 10:06 AM

Hello Vortalex.
Do you have some kind of gamepad connected to your computer? As users used to report similar issues occuring when they had gamepads plugged in.