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Shotgun/mosin/possibly blaze? infinite clip.
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


Essentially this glitch allows you to use the double barrel shotgun and to some extent the mosin as a semi auto fire weapon with an clip that contains all the supported ammunition in your inventory. I believe this may work with the blaze as well, as it would be logical, but I have not tested, I'm trying to find one in game, and I'll post a comment to this issue when I have field tested it. I say the mosin "to some extent" because although you never have to reload you still have to have the animation play of the chambering a round, thus its not completely broken, but you still never have to play the actual animation of loading a new clip in. {F33127}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Take an empty double barrel shotgun into your hands, put your shotty ammo pile on the hotbar, press it to reload (the animation should play exactly as intended the first time) now spam the hotbar that has the ammo pile in it, (I imagine you could probably get a program to spam that number when you hit a certain hotkey but I would have to test it out to see if it works) as you fire you will notice that the ammo will keep being loaded into it without the animation playing, I've attached a screenshot of what I did with 15 rounds, I only once saw the animation play at the beginning, after that it was like I was using a semi auto shotgun with a 15 round mag. I also tested this exact method with a mosin, but because it only has one round in the chamber at a time it made a clicking noise the hole time, and after each shot I had to watch the bolt action animation, but it still worked without having to watch a reload animation every round.

Additional Information

I tried this with a glock, and near as I can tell it does not work, I think the mosin and double barrel (possibly the izh12 and blaze as they run with the same theme of weapon) may be the only ones it works with, I will need to test it more, but I would highly recommend you removing these guns until the problem is solved, the double barrel specifically would be devastating if it remains in the game.

PS: I'm making this private because its very easy to reproduce and very dangerous, also near as I can tell no one knows about it yet, and I would like to keep it that way.

Event Timeline

Bonkahe edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 18 2016, 7:27 PM
Bonkahe edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bonkahe set Category to category:weapons.
Bonkahe set Reproducibility to Always.
Bonkahe set Severity to None.
Bonkahe set Resolution to Open.
Bonkahe set Legacy ID to 2046160470.May 9 2016, 12:25 AM
Bonkahe edited a custom field.

A note here, I don't think the mosin works with this, I tried it again and it was working fine, I must have been mistaken.

Geez added a comment.Jan 21 2016, 4:44 PM

Hello Bonkahe and thank you for the report.
The issue has been confirmed and scheduled for a fix.

Roger, its been a pleasure, oh one other note, I managed to test it on a sawed off shotty, and it seems that it is exclusive to the long barrel variant.