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Holding gun while near zombies or players halts movement/run on the spot
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Anytime I'm in close proximity to zombies or players while holding any gun slows my character until it runs on the spot and cannot get away. The only ways to get "unstuck" are to either put the gun away, or to raise it with space bar which slows your movement. Makes PVP in close quarters or killing zombies or even escaping players/zombies nearly impossible.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Allow zombies or players within about 50 meters of your character (zombies aggro'd) while holding any gun and try running away. Your character will slow down until it's running on the spot. To get away you must lift the gun with spacebar, or put it away completely on your back or in a backpack.

Additional Information

This has been getting me killed in game and happens every single time I play. Really hurts pvp and is making me pretty damn salty at this point >_<

Event Timeline

AnimatedErica edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
AnimatedErica set Category to Movement.
AnimatedErica set Reproducibility to Always.
AnimatedErica set Severity to None.
AnimatedErica set Resolution to Open.
AnimatedErica set Legacy ID to 3405004341.May 9 2016, 12:22 AM
Geez added a comment.Jan 6 2016, 12:15 PM

Hello AnimatedErica.
Do you press RMB (Ironsight toggle) while running with the weapon? As there is a known bug which causes the character to run on spot when toggling ironsight mode while running.

At the times I wasn't in iron sights but I had pressed it soon before the incidents.
The 2 most recent times this happened was 1) was on a very low pop server and I decided to YOLO my way into NW Airfield tents. I aggro'd a bunch of zombies while running in 3rd person so that I could kind of gather them all together and shoot a bunch at once. So after running for a bit in 3rd person, I stopped, turned, right mouse buttoned into ironsights to shotgun blast 4 of them. Then exited ironsights and lowered the gun with spacebar, turned and kept running as more were starting to aggro and I needed to reload.
When I started running in 3rd person after this I started to get the rubber banding back and running on the spot. If I raised the gun with spacebar I was able to move freely again, but I was still in 3rd person and not looking down the iron sights.

The 2nd most recent time this happened was last night and I suppose it was the same situation. I was looking for a character playing in 3rd person, hid in some trees, scoped in with RMB to try to get a visual, then exited again to run to a different location, encountered the player but began running on the spot almost immediately, so I hit spacebar to bring the gun up and escape the running on the spot while he shot at me, then turned and tried to hip fire shoot and died.

Should I expect this to happen every time you use the RMB, or is it reset if you put your gun away then take it back out again? It's something I could experiment with I suppose but I'm not sure how much experimenting others have done with this. It was hard to search through the bug report list.