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Unable to locate a running instance of Steam
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I have 2 Computers.

The First and my main one(Windows 7), does not work. As soon as I start Dayz it tells me, after accepting the EULA, that it is not able to find a running instance of Steam. In the Console it says: "Blocked loading of file: "B:\Steam\tier0_s.dll". For info: B ist an SSD 128 GB for my Games. My main drive is C. Also tried installing Steam on C and running DayZ still the same error.

Now to the info at the beginning:
If I copy my steam folder to an external harddrive and copy it to my 2nd Computer (Windows 10, updated from 8) DayZ works just fine!

Already tried:
Deleting the corrupt Windows Update,
Reinstalling Steam,
because of my bad internet connection I did not reinstall DayZ, only copied it into the Steam folder after the installation, but I dont think it causes the problem, because of my 2nd computer it works just fine.
Verifying game data,
{F33099} {F33100}


Legacy ID
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

Start DayZ. Accept the EULA.

Event Timeline

Calphalor2 set Category to Error Message.
Calphalor2 set Reproducibility to Always.
Calphalor2 set Severity to None.
Calphalor2 set Resolution to Open.
Calphalor2 set Legacy ID to 1502456668.May 9 2016, 12:21 AM
Geez added a comment.Jan 4 2016, 11:36 AM

Hello Calphalor2.
Can you try disabling the anti virus program you run on the computer with the issue and try starting up the game?

So before I disabled my anti virus program I tried starting the game the standard way, and it did not state the known error. What it stated instead is that it is not able to update the Battle Eye client in the Common files of my main drive. The error also occurs when disableing the anti virus program. I will attach a screenshot of the error this time. Thanks for the help anyways.

After that error the game closes and does not give another info. Also looked in Task Manager and it does not have a task open.

Geez added a comment.Jan 4 2016, 5:06 PM

Hello Calphalor2.
This seems like a BattlEye issue, please contact BE support directly at and provide them with as much information as possible, so your issue can be resolved.

I will do that thanks

OKaaayyy just started the game aggain after a computer restart, now I am getting the old error aggain o.O
I will attach a screenshot of the error too!