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Stuck next to a rock in a stream South of Severograd.
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Tried to cross the small stream that runs East to West on the Southern border of Severograd. A large rock was on my right hand side as I attempted to cross. Got stuck and was not able to turn to look or rotate my body once I was in the "hole". I could only look up and down along the y axis. Was a few feet into the stream crossing from South to North about midway through the town. Was falling from about a foot up and starting about a foot higher my standing character would lower himself a couple of inches at a time, until the process would restart, beginning at the top. Drinking from the stream did not pause or stop this falling phenomenon. Vaulting, different stances, and shooting my gun did not help. Before all this happened, I did manage to get out by sprinting maybe a couple of seconds after falling the first time. I went back to reproduce it. I had to suicide to get out.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Walking South to North next to a rock crossing the stream just South of Severograd should reproduce it again. The rock was on my right hand side. Unfortunately, I did not have the foresight to take a video or video of the occurrence. I was a bit salty. ;)

Additional Information

The game is awesome, has a lot of potential, and I'm really excited for the coming years and the final release. Keep up the good work, fellas. :)

Event Timeline

BiochemicalBear edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
BiochemicalBear set Category to category:environment.
BiochemicalBear set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
BiochemicalBear set Severity to None.
BiochemicalBear set Resolution to Open.
BiochemicalBear set Legacy ID to 2384541253.May 9 2016, 12:20 AM
Geez added a comment.Jan 8 2016, 1:56 PM

Hello BiochemicalBear and thank you for the report.
Would it be possible for you to upload a screenshot of the spot?