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Can't throw a oil barrel
Closed, ResolvedPublic


First of all , excuse me if my english is not 100% correct. Soo , i can't droop off a oil barrel , I pick it from a vehicle and later when I want to drop it with button G the animation was reproduced but the barrel still in my hands , completly bugued I cant change a hand object or pick a gun, i restart tge conection and the game a few times , if the problem continous maybe I have to suicide , that's my final option but by now the only I think could work.



Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Brezz set Category to Inventory.Dec 18 2015, 2:33 PM
Brezz set Reproducibility to Always.
Brezz set Severity to None.
Brezz set Resolution to Open.
Brezz set Legacy ID to 2313754343.May 9 2016, 12:17 AM

I had the same glitch as well.
I throw a barrel with "g" and it stays glitched in my hands.
When i press the "g" button again, the barrel disappears.
After relog (maybe after server restart - I don't know exactly) the barrel is at the place where I pressed "g" for the first time. The barrel is perfectly functional then and can be accessed as usual.
I've had this situation twice already.

@Geez maybe close this ticket cause obsolete?

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 9 2020, 10:08 AM
Geez claimed this task.