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Issues with randomly dying/fracturing limbs when on/near an elevated surface.
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


There is a major issue with this game because of random deaths when near/on an elevated surface(ex/castle stairs,cliff edge, and steep hills)I have died 3 times because of an issue with a "rubber band" effect that randomly occurs when near/on an elevated surface. I will be just standing in a location near/on a elevated surface and what will happen is the screen will simply go black and give the message "You are Dead"(Body/Loot found below elevated surface confirming that the death is being caused by a "Lag" that causes the survivor to teleport to an unstable location right off the cliffs edge/elevated surface)... Another scenario is that I will climb a staircase then walk back down to ground level and many seconds later(est.30sec) my character will have broken limbs, Proving that the cause of death/injury is indeed falling from an elevated surface when the server is "Laggy". After dying so many times due to this glitch I have been avoiding elevated surfaces and have to always carry around a splint. I recently died again after simply climbing a few feet up a sloped hill... Not nearly high enough to break a leg but apparently caused my death... I'm afraid that this could be a deal breaker for a lot of survivors... After dying so many times due to glitches I begin to wonder if the hours I am spending on this game is even worth it if I will simply die due to these Game Breaking Bugs...


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

1)There are two ways that this glitch occurs but all issues occur when servers are "Rubber-Banding" or simply "Laggy" and will also occur less frequently on normal "Low Ping" servers...

1A.)Travel to an area where you can find a "Cliff Edge"...


1B.)Travel to a Castle and climb one of the outer edge staircases...

2A.)Walk out to near the edge ,but not too close to the edge, and walk parallel to the cliffs edge and if done correctly then there is a high but random chance that the server lag will throw you off the cliff "You Are Dead"
2B.)Same thing as above(2A.) travel up the staircase walking parallel to the edge and then walk back down the staircase... If done correctly then there will be a small but random chance that you will teleport to the base of the stairs with your limbs broken or a slight chance you will simply die.

Additional Information

Any feedback would be much appreciated as it did take me a while to gather and convey all this information... There are a few more issues but this was the most severe glitch that has been plaguing my experience on DayZ 0.59 Exp.


Event Timeline

nameless0711 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
nameless0711 set Category to category:environment.
nameless0711 set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
nameless0711 set Severity to None.
nameless0711 set Resolution to Open.
nameless0711 set Legacy ID to 2157484708.May 9 2016, 12:11 AM
Geez added a comment.Dec 8 2015, 3:44 PM

Hello nameless0711 and thank you for the report.
This is a known issue related to the server performance and it is being worked upon.