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unintended respawn
Closed, ResolvedPublic


i just accidentally jumped off a floor a little bit too high, so i was unconscious. but i was still unconscious after more than 30 minutes, so i tried to rejoin the server. NOT to respawn! but this is actually what happened. i just respawned and of course all my already collected stuff was gone. a whole afternoon of gaming just for nothing? i really hope, you may have a closer look on this incident asap.
thank you very much.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Unable To Reproduce

Event Timeline

Seren set Category to category:characters.Nov 5 2015, 5:43 PM
Seren set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
Seren set Severity to None.
Seren set Resolution to No Bug.
Seren set Legacy ID to 2837290727.May 9 2016, 12:01 AM
Geez added a comment.Nov 6 2015, 10:47 AM

Hello Seren.
Disconnecting while unconscious respawns the character on purpose. This is a system which prevents players from disconnecting while unconscious to avoid being looted / killed by other players. It is unfortunate to hear that this happened but sadly we do not reimburse any lost gear or characters.