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Blacked Out View Pitch Black Vision
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Made a fire in a shed at night while i was damp. After lighting the fire and seeing the flames, I turned around and my vision went completely black. I could see my quick bar and the embers of the fire (flames disappeared) but everything else was pitch black like the spawn/wait screen.

I had to exit game and reload. And even then i was only able to see normally for a short time, enough to leave the shed but then when i turned to look at the fire again everything went black. I turned from the fire and ran away until the regular night time vision returned. I then turned around and saw the light coming from the shed as normal. {F32580}


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried

Event Timeline

Cash81 set Category to category:environment.Sep 13 2015, 5:39 PM
Cash81 set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
Cash81 set Severity to None.
Cash81 set Resolution to Open.
Cash81 set Legacy ID to 829867550.May 8 2016, 11:45 PM