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Manually removing ammo from the blaze creates an unusable duplicate ghost until relog
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This may affect other weapons but I have only tested it on the blaze. When you manually remove the snap loader from the blaze (drag and drop) into an empty inventory space and then reload the weapon using "r". The snap loader will be both in the gun and inside your inventory. If you try to swap something else in the inventory with the "ghost snap loader" in the inventory, you can't. If you move the "inventory ghost snap loader" it pulls the snap loader from your gun.

You can get a few of these in your inventory by repeating the process several times. They are essentially dead inventory space. A relog fixes the issue.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

1 - drag and drop the snap loader from your blaze into your inventory
2 - Hit "r"
3 - You now have 1 ghost in inventory and 1 real in weapon
4 - drag and drop the snap loader into a different inventory space
5 - hit "r"
6 - you now have 2 ghosts in inventory and 1 real in weapon
7 - moving the ghosts removes the snap loader from your weapon
8 - Ghosts in inventory can't be replaced by other items in inventory
9 - relog corrects the issue

Additional Information

Also works the same with manually "drag and drop" removing loose ammo except the "r" doesn't work but you still get the dead ghost in inventory.

Event Timeline

Wyrmgol edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 4 2015, 1:52 AM
Wyrmgol edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Wyrmgol set Category to Inventory.
Wyrmgol set Reproducibility to Always.
Wyrmgol set Severity to None.
Wyrmgol set Resolution to Duplicate.
Wyrmgol set Legacy ID to 3920090567.May 8 2016, 11:41 PM
Geez added a comment.Sep 4 2015, 1:07 PM

Hello Wyrmgol and thank you for the report.
This is a known issue and it has been scheduled for a fix.