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Able to dupe items during a server restart
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After driving a truck from severo to svetlo my friend dumped a bunch of stuff into the truck's inventory and then the server restarted. I was set back past severo to the gas station I got out of the truck last. The truck itself was still back where we left it. My friend's gear was then duped since the stuff in the truck stayed and the stuff on his body did as well.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Haven't tried but,

If you drive a large distance before restart then load the truck with stuff.
While loading the server will restart.
Items will be duped from the loader.
The driver will be set back a great distance.

Event Timeline

Muffin edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 1 2015, 11:28 PM
Muffin set Category to category:items.
Muffin set Reproducibility to Random.
Muffin set Severity to None.
Muffin set Resolution to Duplicate.
Muffin set Legacy ID to 74398739.May 8 2016, 11:40 PM

Can confirm similar. I was playing on a private hive and was testing issues with the lag associated with big camps. I was trying to induce lag by overfilling barrels with fully kitted guns, vests etc. I was moving stuff into and out of the barrel checking for lag and didn't realize server reset was coming up.

Server went down, when it came back up I had duped a bag of rice, can of peaches, compass, and my fully kitted blaze with ghillie wrap and scope. 1 of each in the barrel and 1 in my inventory. I tried to reproduce at the next restart but did not get it to work.

Geez added a comment.Sep 2 2015, 4:58 PM

Hello Muffin and thank you for the report.
This is an issue we are aware of and it has been scheduled for a fix.