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My characted has benn reset.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi, today twice my character has been reset on regular server. Both times I was playing on servers "Dayz Pl 2-3" and Dayz PL 2-11"
Is it possible to recover my weapons, armour etc.?
I lost hours of playing and almost all best equipment pieces in the game.
So, can i sent u any files from my game or something like that and would you be able to help me?


Legacy ID
Not Fixable

Event Timeline

Oposow set Category to category:characters.Jul 22 2015, 7:41 PM
Oposow set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Oposow set Severity to None.
Oposow set Resolution to Not Fixable.
Oposow set Legacy ID to 4192340322.May 8 2016, 11:17 PM

deal with it, its an alpha game, nobody can help you.

Geez added a comment.Jul 23 2015, 10:28 AM

Hello Oposow.
We are sorry to hear about the loss of your character, however we do not refund gear or lost character. One of the ways to prevent loss of character is to wait a couple of minutes before connecting to a freshly restarted server, as connecting to a server that is booting up and is not properly connected to the database while doing so usually results in reset of character. That is a known issue and will be fixed in future stages of development.