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Game Crashes While Trying To Connect To Server
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I tried to join a server recently but once I saw the list of players while connecting, my game crashes and then the game automatically restarts.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

I hadn't played DayZ Standalone for about 5 days until today, once the game started up I decided to change my character's name and the colour of the starter clothing. After I made the changes I decided to join the server, Gents Of Novo, however once I joined the server I could see my name in the list of player and then my game crashes and shuts down, then restarts itself again. I've tried other servers and tried changing my name and character back to the original to try and fix the problem but it didn't do anything.

Additional Information

While changing my name I did alt tab a few times and tried to paste (control + v) some russian letters to my name but the game doesn't recognize the russian letters and wouldn't paste them. The servers I tried were also stable .57 servers as well.

Event Timeline

optiplexgx2 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
optiplexgx2 set Category to Game Crash.
optiplexgx2 set Reproducibility to Always.
optiplexgx2 set Severity to None.
optiplexgx2 set Resolution to Open.
optiplexgx2 set Legacy ID to 3190817172.May 8 2016, 11:17 PM
Geez added a comment.Jul 22 2015, 2:08 PM

Hello optiplexgx2.
Are you using some kind of launch parameters?