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Item Frozen in inventory - Stun Baton
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was carrying the stun baton in my characters hands. When i pushed the "x", in the inventory screen, to return the item to my back the item was duplicated and placed into free slots in my inventory (see other post).

Subsequently I was not able to move the item from the slots it was designated to in my inventory nor was I able to drag and drop it from my back. The item was frozen in place both on my back and in the inventory.

Upon relog into the game the stun baton was unfrozen and I was able to drop the duplicated item and drag and drop the baton on my back.


Legacy ID
Unable To Reproduce
Steps To Reproduce

1)place stun baton into hands.
2)push the "x" button in the inventory screen to return the item to my back.

  1. Item was placed back on my back and in free slots in my inventory. '
  2. item was frozen both on my back and in the inventory. I was unable to drag and drop or move the item around in my inventory.
  1. exit and relog into the game freed the item and i was able to interact with it normally.
Additional Information

This has happened only once.

I cant remember whether i could right click and inspect the stun baton while it was frozen in my inventory.

Event Timeline

StephenHarper edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
StephenHarper set Category to category:items.
StephenHarper set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
StephenHarper set Severity to None.
StephenHarper set Resolution to Duplicate.
StephenHarper set Legacy ID to 245771312.May 8 2016, 10:38 PM

This happened to me with a kitchen knife

I had this occur again with a ruined pick axe. I had recently found a worn pick axe and wanted to replace the ruined one however the ruined pick axe was frozen in my inventory.

I had entered a shed with the worn pick axe and a damaged hoe. I recall placing the hoe in my hands but noticed the pick axe on the ground. I pushed the "x" button in the inventory screen to return it to the ground and when i tried swap out the worn pick axe for the ruined one it was frozen. I could only place the worn one in my hands.

I also noticed that if you try to right click on the frozen item the "receiving" message flickers but does not stay.

Geez added a comment.May 20 2015, 4:46 PM

Hello Stephen Harper and thank you for the report.
The issue has been fixed internally and should be fixed on Steam soon.