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Melee combat is broken.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Initially, I came back to this from stopping playing due to a V3S glitch which killed me after having spend days getting high end gear, and upon my return I obtained a melee weapon, it was the ice pick (usually good against zombies right?) only to discover that the new combat now makes it extremely hard to kill zombies. Even with use of a splitting axe, I was still able to hit maybe 1 out of 10 attempts to hit a zombie. The only way I was able to hit it, was when I stopped still, and attacked head on (and even then the zombies would clip through me when they attack) Due to the change in the zombie attack patterns, they now hit fast and with minimal time between attacks, resulting in my death. To sum up, the new combat system no longer seems to incorporate depth to attacks, and makes it near impossible for melee weapons to have a use. Fixing this would be good as this renders the game almost unplayable when I cannot kill zombies with weapons designed to be able to.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

DashboardDan set Category to Balancing.May 5 2015, 5:25 AM
DashboardDan set Reproducibility to Always.
DashboardDan set Severity to None.
DashboardDan set Resolution to Duplicate.
DashboardDan set Legacy ID to 247611637.May 8 2016, 10:29 PM
Geez added a comment.May 5 2015, 5:13 PM

Hello DashboardDan and thank you for the report.
This is an issue we are aware of (#0023273) and it has been scheduled for a fix.