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Food not doing anything (7 cans, still hungry)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Have passed over to the "Hungry" state. Ate 3 cans of bacon, nothing. Thought it was something wrong with that server but tried the same thing on another public server a couple of hours later and I am still hungry after eating 7 cans of food in about one hour of gameplay...

This hasn't happened to me before in the other versions. In 0.54 I was hungry and stuffed at the same time though... don't know if it's server related or something buggy with my character, but thought you guys should know.


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Additional Information

Logged in to 3 different public servers and the character remained hungry after alot of food. Thirst seems to be working though. Tried connecting to a private hive and had some food with that character and the hunger state went away, so maybe something with the character or public servers?

Event Timeline

dix_xib edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Apr 2 2015, 12:05 AM
dix_xib set Category to category:items.
dix_xib set Reproducibility to Always.
dix_xib set Severity to None.
dix_xib set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
dix_xib set Legacy ID to 4080355716.May 8 2016, 10:08 PM
Geez added a comment.Apr 2 2015, 4:21 PM

Hello dix_xib and thank you for the report.
We have checked the values added by food and drink thoroughly and unfortunately we were unable to reproduce the issue you are describing. This has probably been caused by the various desync issues we are aware of and they have been scheduled for a fix.