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Carry two guns on back and have hands free
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Easy technique to carry 2 guns on back without logging out.

Second gun will drop whenever you take an object into hands and put it back to inventory (any object, food, axe etc).

Makes you able to run fast with hands free with 2 "big" guns (by that I mean not guns you put away in a bag)


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Steps To Reproduce

Gun A in your back, Gun B in your hands

Open inventory slide Gun A to ground (remove it from inventory)

Put Gun B away by clicking on the red cross top right of "hands" section (this will make gun B appear in inventory on your back

Gun A is still visible on ground, right click on it and choose "take Gun A"

Gun A and B are in your back (one at top on inventory as usual, one right down at the bottom). Your hands are free, to carry another gun, or anything else, or just free so you can run fast etc.

Additional Information

Reproduced on different servers, 2 weapons stick after server reboot or player log

Reproduced whatever position you are in (prone etc)

Public hive.

Event Timeline

Karaz edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 26 2015, 11:35 AM
Karaz edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Karaz set Category to Inventory.
Karaz set Reproducibility to Always.
Karaz set Severity to None.
Karaz set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
Karaz set Legacy ID to 1625897046.May 8 2016, 10:04 PM
Geez added a comment.Mar 31 2015, 3:07 PM

Hello Karaz and thank you for the report.
Unfortunately we were unable to reproduce the issue you have described. This could have been caused by the various desync issues we are aware of and they have been scheduled for a fix.