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"Unable to load character, your character has been reset, please reconnect to continue"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After joining a server I was greeted with the message in the subject. I panicked, and joined a different Public server, my items were gone.

I rejoined the same server and my items were gone. This happened on the AUSARMA (Official)DayZ Standalone 24/7 4 hr restarts Server at roughly 12:15 AM 13/03/2015

My steam ID is STEAM_0:0:31096007


Legacy ID
No Bug
Unable To Reproduce

Event Timeline

synthetech set Category to category:characters.Mar 12 2015, 2:28 PM
synthetech set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
synthetech set Severity to None.
synthetech set Resolution to No Bug.
synthetech set Legacy ID to 580683754.May 8 2016, 9:54 PM
synthetech added a subscriber: synthetech.

I dont really need the guns back anymore, but rather than cancel the ticket I'd still like to report it for developers

Keep up the good work

Geez added a comment.Mar 13 2015, 11:37 AM

Hello synthetech and thank you for the report.
It appears that you have joined a server which was recently restarted and was in progress of booting up. That means you have joined before the storage could load so it reset your character. This will be fixed in future by adding a queue system.