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Entire game jumps to lowest LOD setting + massive FPS drop [FIXED]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Sometimes when running around, the entire game freezes for a few seconds and all objects+textures (including the character itself) gets the lowest LOD setting combined with a huge drop in FPS (going from 40+ FPS to 5-10).

See attached screenshot.

#edit: The solution appears to be removing startup options.

  • Open steam library
  • Right-click DayZ
  • Open settings
  • Click "Set startup options"
  • Remove everything from the textfield (-noSpash appears to do no damage) {F31085} {F31086} {F31087}


Legacy ID
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

It happened to me twice, but it appears to be random. Might be related to a specific object/structure (currently near Polana).

1st occurance: To the edge of Polana from the south east (Factory / Orlovets).
2nd occurance: Inside supermarket, ran close to the freezer thingy and pressed the jump-button (v)

If I find a way to consistently reproduce the issue, I'll update the ticket.

Additional Information

It started happening since the last update (0.54)

My graphics settings:

  • 1920x1080 (renderer 100%)
  • Antialiasing high
  • FXAA very high
  • Object, Terrain, Shadows and clouds details: All Low/Disabled.

Event Timeline

Liscion edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 25 2015, 8:24 PM
Liscion edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Liscion set Category to Game Freezes.
Liscion set Reproducibility to Random.
Liscion set Severity to None.
Liscion set Resolution to Fixed.
Liscion set Legacy ID to 650449561.May 8 2016, 9:38 PM
Paper26 added a subscriber: Paper26.May 8 2016, 9:38 PM

Wow finally someone with the same problem like me.

For me it's sice this 1.4MB patch like this. Before everything was fine.

Liscion added a subscriber: Liscion.May 8 2016, 9:38 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 9:38 PM

Also my friend is experiencing this issue since the new update.

My friend's graphics card:

amd 7950 vapor x 3 gb

Running on latest drivers by ATI

Upon opening the game everything looks just fine, no changes, but when he joins a server, after a few seconds, textures become those of the screenshots, massive FPS drop plus general rallentation of the game (menus take long time to open), after leaving the server, also the main menu screen shows the issue.


Looks like deleting all launch options solved the problem for my friend :D

As some reports suggest this happening when players enter the server:

This is NOT the case. Just confirmed this.
So far it only appears to happen while sprinting (just had my 3rd occurance).


Exiting to mainmenu and re-entering the server does NOT solve the issue.
The mainmenu runs smooth, but as soon as you re-enter the server, the issue is still there. (Low LOD on everything + Loss of FPS to 5-10 FPS)

Update #2:

Removing start options appeared to have solved it. At least, no more issues have occured since then.

Geez added a comment.Feb 26 2015, 11:02 AM

Hello Licsion and thank you for the report.
It seems that you have managed to fix the issue so i am closing the ticket.
Feel free to report back if the issue reappears.