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Mind control hack
Assigned, WishlistPublic


When running back to base with a buddy of mine that just bought the game we ran into a hacker. He was using the mind control hack. He forced my buddy to eat and unloaded my weapon. I'll post the server we were on later. It's in violation of server name convention. My internet is down so I'm typing this on my cellphone. Hope you guys fix this stuff soon. The amount of PR damage your getting when peoples first PvP experiance is to a cheat is very damaging.


Legacy ID
Unable To Reproduce
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information

Sue this guy for damages!

Event Timeline

Foolee edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 29 2015, 3:33 PM
Foolee edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Foolee set Category to category:glitchabuse.
Foolee set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
Foolee set Severity to None.
Foolee set Resolution to Open.
Foolee set Legacy ID to 1783436612.May 8 2016, 9:18 PM