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Running away from a player shooting at me, I suddenly stopped and started to eat a pepper, allowing the other player to shoot me
Assigned, WishlistPublic


At military base to south of NW Airfield. I was heading towards NW airfield. I had an AKSU on my shoulder and an SKS in my hands. I had full kit, including vest, camo gear, helmet with visor, and military backpack which was full.

I heard shots behind me after leaving the base, and started to run. I got to a road, whereby my character dropped the sks and started to eat a pepper. ( i was in 3rd person view).

I did not have time to cancel action and pick up the rifle, as I got shot.

Im a bit tired of this game now (after about 2 weeks play). Fair enough if its my own stupididy trying to be nice to people in game and not shooting them first. But when I AM careful with weapon ready....thats annoying.

This was a friendly server with persistance off, stating no KOS in the title. Yeah i got KOS'd due to my character deciding it was lunchtime without me.

Does anyone know what no KOS means?


Legacy ID
Unable To Reproduce
Steps To Reproduce

Log onto the server I was on and wait.

Event Timeline

Dragunov76254 set Category to category:glitchabuse.
Dragunov76254 set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
Dragunov76254 set Severity to None.
Dragunov76254 set Resolution to Open.
Dragunov76254 set Legacy ID to 1677416815.May 8 2016, 9:18 PM