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Throwing items locks character
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Upon throwing an item (G) player freezes in place. This has occurred where character will stay with arm held back in throwing position, and has also occurred where character has performed random animation before being locked in place. Camera is still able to be used, interactions can still occur with certain parts of environment (door). Logging off and on to server recovers control.

Unsure if occurs every time, though happened 2/3 times I have tried to throw items before stopping due to issue.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Take item into hands, press G to throw item.

Event Timeline

SweetPea edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 5 2015, 11:18 AM
SweetPea set Category to category:playerstuck.
SweetPea set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
SweetPea set Severity to None.
SweetPea set Resolution to Open.
SweetPea set Legacy ID to 3577682581.May 8 2016, 9:09 PM
Darcion added a subscriber: Darcion.May 8 2016, 9:09 PM

Yeah exactly like that Darcion. I've had both the "dive" animation occur repeatedly before being locked in place, as well as being stuck in the "army man grenade" pose. As far as I can tell the standing throw results in the dive, while a throw from a knelt position results in the army man lock.

It's got me scared to throw things!

i thought it is only the sword, i hope my vid can help the devs to solve this issue.

Yes me too! I'm going to try and see how often you can replicate the results tonight, as like I said I stopped throwing things after encountering the bug 2 or 3 times.