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Problems with gun being "epileptic" when aiming
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have encountered a problem when using my gun (have tried revolver, sawed of shotgun and mosin). When aiming, the gun (or scope) jumps like it is an earthquake going on. It doesn´t matter if I aim down the sights or just points the gun. I am fully hydrated, energized and healthy (all light green).
I am sending a video that shows how it looks.
The problem just occured yesterday, never seen it before.
Thanks for a great game, and Merry Christmas!


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Have tried logging out, restarted computer. Does not help.

Event Timeline

FatMan edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 22 2014, 7:15 PM
FatMan set Category to category:weapons.
FatMan set Reproducibility to Always.
FatMan set Severity to None.
FatMan set Resolution to Duplicate.
FatMan set Legacy ID to 2212915707.May 8 2016, 9:03 PM

The same bug is reported for like 50 times already, please use the search function, it makes admins' life a lot easier.

Your problem is that you're freezing. In the last patch, heat doesn't go up easily. Even when you are next to heat, you gain 0.1 degree centigrade heat per 30 seconds or so. So make a fire, sit by it and have patience ;)

stop putting the same problem on more than one ticket. you made one then made the same exact one 3 minutes later.